COVID times

Its a strange time we are living in. A global pandemic is surreal for us all. Our business has mostly been events based but we have found ourselves having to evolve with the times and focus on the online side of the business. The has given us the opportunity to introduce some new products and really get to know our customers. Its hard for us all, when we get told we are all in this together, its difficult to relate to that as you sit behind your screen on your own. We all have our life struggles at the moment, weather it be isolation, financial or motivation. So in the respect of being all in it together, most of us are going through something.

What does this mean for us here at Froth N Flames. Well we have made sure all our products are up to our usual standard and quality. All orders that are going out the door are sanitised before leaving. My general manufacturing process has not changed, I always use full personal protective equipment. I admit I struggle with motivation whilst being here alone, staff are staying home as I am concerned about the spread of the virus and someone accidentally bringing it into our home.

Going forward we have a new normal, we will be doing lots of interesting things online for all the people that feel like us and dont want to go out. If you cant find your favourite product online please feel free to message, email or call me and I can organise them for you.

So for now stay safe.

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